Phone: +47 94 32 78 74
Fiddan Øko Gård
Havreselandsveien 85
4525 Konsmo
A Little History: Fiddan has roots dating back to the 17th century, originally called Fidland. The name comes from a fertile valley (fid) where water flows. In the early 20th century, the name was changed to Fiddan due to local pronunciation. The farm has had several owners, but today, two farms are in operation – “Nerajore” and “Der Borte.”
Beef Cattle: We primarily focus on beef cattle and have chosen Aberdeen Angus for its high meat quality with good marbling. The animals graze freely on pasture throughout the summer, and we only use organic silage for winter feed. No concentrated feed is used. Our meat is a 100% pure local natural product.
Sheep: Our Shropshire sheep are known for grazing in Christmas tree fields without damaging the trees. This breed produces delicious meat and has a more natural and slower growth process. Like all our animals, the sheep receive only organic supplements and are a natural product.
Organic Farming: We are Debio-certified and operate according to organic guidelines. At Fiddan, we care about animal welfare and sustainability. The animals graze for up to 7 months and get regular exercise outdoors in the winter. We recommend choosing local and organic products for both health and the environment.
Natural Food as a Hobby: In addition to meat production, we have hens that provide organic eggs, and we grow fruits and vegetables. Lake Fiddan offers trout and brook trout, while Fiddan Forest is home to a rich wildlife including moose, deer, roe deer, and hares, as well as mushrooms and berries.
Accommodation in Nature: TreeTop Fiddan offers unique accommodation options in the forest with 3 cabins, and we also have a mini-camping site during the summer months. All guests are welcome for a tour of the farm.